SynCourse (Contact Hours)Start DateClass TypeMeeting LocationMeeting TimeInstructorSeatsRegistration
AUT-3137A-7001 (96) Automotive Tech Course
3/11/2025 - 6/26/2025

Course Description: This course coverselectrical theory, wiring diagrams, testequipment, and diagnosis/repair/replacement ofbatteries, starters, and alternators. Topicsinclude Ohm's Law, Circuit construction, wiringdiagrams, circuit testing, and basic troubleshooting. Upon completion, students should beable to read and understand wiring diagrams,diagnose test, and repair basic wiring, battery,starting, charging and basic electrical concerns
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - 70801
T 05:30pm - 08:30pm
TH 05:30pm - 08:30pm
Goodrich, Bruce6/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5020A-2701 (32) Tactical Ops Training /Challen
3/11/2025 - 3/14/2025

This course is designed to provide training in alltopics directly related to tactical preparation orresponse activities. Course topics may includebut are not limited to Situational ShootingTechniques, Officer Survival, Responding to Crimesin Progress, Electrical and Hazardous Devices,Domestic Violence Intervention, Impact Weapons andProcedures, Diversionary Tactics & DistractionDevices, Subject Control, Critical IncidentManagement, Firearms for Private ProtectiveServices, Responding to Civil Disorders, ChemicalMunitions, High Risk Entry Techniques, SpecialWeapons and Tactics, Sniper Training, High AreaProtection, Tracking, Search and Rescue, RapidDeployment, Rappelling, Ballistic Shields, ArmedPrisoner Transport, Cell Extraction, DiverCertification Training for Law Enforcement, andTactical Response for SWAT Medics. This courseprefix should be used for courses that fit thenature of the above examples. Local titles may beused. Course hours should be reasonable basedupon the nature of the local training, but may notexceed the maximum hours.
OC27 - 27111
OC27 - 27111
OC27 - 27111
OC27 - 27111
T 04:00pm - 07:00pm
WTH 07:00am - 01:00pm
WTH 02:00pm - 08:00pm
F 07:00am - 12:00pm
, 0/50Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5035B-2134 (8) DOC In-Service Training
3/11/2025 - 3/11/2025

This course is designed to provide training in alltopics directly related to the North CarolinaDepartment of Corrections and its variousDivisions. Course topics may include but are notlimited to in-service training for correctionalofficers. This course prefix should be used forcourses that fall under in-service training asapproved or required by the NC Department ofCorrections. Local titles may be used. Coursehours should be reasonable based upon the natureof the local training, but may not exceed themaximum hours.
Chowan - EDN3308
Chowan - EDN3308
T 08:00am - 12:00pm
T 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Brickhouse, EphriamCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5035C-2135 (8) DOC In-Service Training
3/12/2025 - 3/12/2025

This course is designed to provide training in alltopics directly related to the North CarolinaDepartment of Corrections and its variousDivisions. Course topics may include but are notlimited to in-service training for correctionalofficers. This course prefix should be used forcourses that fall under in-service training asapproved or required by the NC Department ofCorrections. Local titles may be used. Coursehours should be reasonable based upon the natureof the local training, but may not exceed themaximum hours.
Chowan - EDN3308
Chowan - EDN3308
W 08:00am - 12:00pm
W 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Brickhouse, EphriamCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5035D-2136 (8) DOC In-Service Training
3/13/2025 - 3/13/2025

This course is designed to provide training in alltopics directly related to the North CarolinaDepartment of Corrections and its variousDivisions. Course topics may include but are notlimited to in-service training for correctionalofficers. This course prefix should be used forcourses that fall under in-service training asapproved or required by the NC Department ofCorrections. Local titles may be used. Coursehours should be reasonable based upon the natureof the local training, but may not exceed themaximum hours.
Chowan - EDN3308
Chowan - EDN3308
TH 08:00am - 12:00pm
TH 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Brickhouse, EphriamCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5035E-2137 (8) DOC In-Service Training
3/14/2025 - 3/14/2025

This course is designed to provide training in alltopics directly related to the North CarolinaDepartment of Corrections and its variousDivisions. Course topics may include but are notlimited to in-service training for correctionalofficers. This course prefix should be used forcourses that fall under in-service training asapproved or required by the NC Department ofCorrections. Local titles may be used. Coursehours should be reasonable based upon the natureof the local training, but may not exceed themaximum hours.
Chowan - EDN3308
Chowan - 21361
F 08:00am - 12:00pm
F 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Downing, WarrenCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5035A-2138 (8) DOC In-Service Training
3/17/2025 - 3/17/2025

Course ID: CJC5035 This course is designed toprovide training in all topics directly relatedto the NCDOC and it's various Divisions. Coursetopics may include but are not limited toin-service training for correctional officers.
Chowan - EDN3308
Chowan - EDN3308
M 08:00am - 12:00pm
M 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Downing, WarrenCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5060A-2706 (10) K-9 In-Service
3/25/2025 - 3/25/2025

This course is designed to provide training intopics related to the selection, training or useof animals as a law enforcement agents or thecontrol of domestic or wild animals. Course topicsmay include, but are not limited to, caninehandling, animal capture techniques, and animalcruelty issues.
OC27 - 27111
OC27 - 27111
T 09:00am - 02:00pm
T 03:00pm - 08:00pm
, 0/8Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
3/26/2025 - 4/10/2025

This course is designed to provide the lawenforcement officer with a fundamental backgroundin the instruction of other law enforcementpersonnel. Successful completion of this courseallows the student to apply to the CriminalJustice Training and Standards Division forcertification as a law enforcement instructor.This certification allows an instructor to teachmany of the blocks of instruction offered in basiclaw enforcement training in addition to variousin-service classes offered both in-house(police/sheriff's depts.) and the communitycollege system. Each trainee is required toresearch, develop and deliver an 80-minute lessonplan as part of meeting course requirements.Trainees must successfully pass State-administered written exam as well as demonstratecompetency in all skill areas in order to beeligible for certification as a criminal justiceinstructor. Trainees must meet State establishedprerequisites for admission to course.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC111
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
MTWTHF 08:00am - 12:00pm
W 01:00pm - 05:00pm
TH 01:00pm - 06:00pm
F 01:00pm - 07:00pm
M 01:00pm - 06:00pm
T 01:00pm - 07:00pm
W 01:00pm - 07:00pm
TH 01:00pm - 07:00pm
F 01:00pm - 05:00pm
M 01:00pm - 02:00pm
T 01:00pm - 03:00pm
W 01:00pm - 03:00pm
TH 01:00pm - 07:00pm
Eilert, Brad3/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
3/31/2025 - 4/3/2025

This course is designed to develop knowledge andskills used by Criminal Justice personnel who areauthorized to use RADAR equipment used by theirdepartments. Lecture, demonstration, and practicalfield exercises are the principal methods ofinstruction. Employment in the field of CriminalJustice and authorization of the department areprerequisites for enrollment in this course.
Currituck - CPSC102A
Currituck - CPSC102A
MTWTH 08:00am - 12:00pm
MTWTH 01:00pm - 07:00pm
Eilert, Brad6/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5060A-2707 (10) K-9 In-Service
4/1/2025 - 4/1/2025

This course is designed to provide training intopics related to the selection, training or useof animals as a law enforcement agents or thecontrol of domestic or wild animals. Course topicsmay include, but are not limited to, caninehandling, animal capture techniques, and animalcruelty issues.
OC27 - 27111
OC27 - 27111
T 09:00am - 02:00pm
T 03:00pm - 08:00pm
, 0/8Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5060A-2708 (10) K-9 In-Service
4/15/2025 - 4/15/2025

This course is designed to provide training intopics related to the selection, training or useof animals as a law enforcement agents or thecontrol of domestic or wild animals. Course topicsmay include, but are not limited to, caninehandling, animal capture techniques, and animalcruelty issues.
OC27 - 27111
OC27 - 27111
T 09:00am - 02:00pm
T 03:00pm - 08:00pm
, 0/8Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-5060A-2709 (10) K-9 In-Service
5/6/2025 - 5/6/2025

This course is designed to provide training intopics related to the selection, training or useof animals as a law enforcement agents or thecontrol of domestic or wild animals. Course topicsmay include, but are not limited to, caninehandling, animal capture techniques, and animalcruelty issues.
OC27 - 27111
OC27 - 27111
T 09:00am - 02:00pm
T 03:00pm - 08:00pm
, 0/8Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CJC-3942A-2701 (47) Telecommunicator Certification
6/22/2025 - 6/27/2025

This certification-related Telecommunicator Courseis designed to meet the training guidelinesmandated by the North Carolina Sheriffs' Educationand Training Standards Commission. Trainees mustsuccessfully pass a state- administered exam aswell as demonstrate competency in all skill areasin order to be eligible for certification. Contactthe NC Department of Justice for course standards.
Currituck - CPSC102A
Currituck - CPSC102A
Currituck - CPSC102A
Currituck - CPSC102A
Currituck - CPSC102A
TH 01:00pm - 08:00pm
MTWTHF 08:00am - 12:00pm
MW 01:00pm - 05:00pm
F 01:00pm - 03:00pm
T 01:00pm - 04:00pm
Tutwiler, Krystal0/8Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
COS-3104A-7001 (310) Natural Hair Care Specialist
5/5/2025 - 7/30/2025

This course provides instruction and clinicalpractice in naturalhair care. The course contentincludes sanitation, bacteriology,disinfection,first aid, shampooing, draping, anatomy,disorders ofthe hair and scalp, and clientconsultation. Advanced studentsapply the following natural hair care techniques: twisting,wrapping, extending, locking, blow dry and thermal iron. Naturalhair care students must complete required hours in an approvedprogram before applying to the State Board of Cosmetic Arts forexamination.
5/5/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C152
MTWTH 08:30am - 03:15pm
Sawyer, Cierra9/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7001 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety - Full
3/14/2025 - 3/16/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
Shunk, Jeffrey10/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000B-7003 (4) 4-HOUR Safe Driver
3/19/2025 - 3/19/2025

Online Defensive Driving training is available tostudents when pre-approved by the DA in the areathe ticket was received.This four-hour class is designed to increaseawareness of the need for and the benefits ofdefensive driving. May help you get a discount onyour auto insurance or lower your points. Classmay meet court requirements if you get a ticket.Price includes workbook. You must bepre-registered to attend class. You'll receive acertificate after the class is finished.
3/19/2025CLASSElizabeth City - FC128
W 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Griffin, CherylCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000Y-2801 (12) Figure Drawing
3/26/2025 - 4/16/2025

Learn how to draw figures from life in this four-week course!This class teaches students the basics of Figure Drawing througha combination of quick jesteral drawings, and time intensivestudies using live models. Different drawing techniques will beexplored with pencil, charcoal and mixed media. No priorexperience is required.
3/26/2025CLASSDare - PAB207
W 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Clower, Michelle8/15Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000ED-7004 (8) 8-HOUR Safe Driver
4/5/2025 - 4/5/2025

This class is designed to help you understand theconnection between choices and consequences, andhelp you develop a plan to change your drivingchoices and behaviors. This course is designed fortraffic violators and court referrals for driverswith excessive violations, or for drivers withpoor driving habits. Price includes workbook. Youmust be pre-registered to attend class. You'llreceive a certificate after the class is finished.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
09:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
Griffin, CherylCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000D-7003 (24) Watercolors-Intermed & Beyond
4/8/2025 - 5/28/2025

"Let's Get Started and Have Fun with Watercolor"This course is designed for the intermediate and beyond artstudent.It focuses on fundamentals of watercolor as a foundation tocreate luminous watercolor paintings. Emphasis will be placed onhelping each participant to continue developing his/her artist's|eye through direct observation of form and color, and activationof his/her imagination in to paint more creatively.
4/8/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C222
T 01:00pm - 04:00pm
West, Margaret5/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000B-7004 (4) 4-HOUR Safe Driver
4/16/2025 - 4/16/2025

Online Defensive Driving training is available tostudents when pre-approved by the DA in the areathe ticket was received.This four-hour class is designed to increaseawareness of the need for and the benefits ofdefensive driving. May help you get a discount onyour auto insurance or lower your points. Classmay meet court requirements if you get a ticket.Price includes workbook. You must bepre-registered to attend class. You'll receive acertificate after the class is finished.
4/16/2025CLASSElizabeth City - FC128
W 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Griffin, CherylCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000EX-7002 (16) Data Viz. W/ Office 365 Excel
5/6/2025 - 5/29/2025

Community Service Programs provides courses,seminars, and community activities that contributeto an individual's cultural, civic, and/orpersonal growth. These programs areself-supporting and are not reported to the statefor budget FTE.
5/6/2025CLASSElizabeth City - FC230
TTH 06:00pm - 08:00pm
Holloman, Thomyka0/15Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7002 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
6/20/2025 - 6/22/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
Shunk, Jeffrey1/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7003 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
6/27/2025 - 6/29/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
Wyman, Gene0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7004 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
7/11/2025 - 7/13/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
Wyman, Gene0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7005 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
7/25/2025 - 7/27/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7006 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
8/1/2025 - 8/3/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7007 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
8/8/2025 - 8/10/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7008 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
8/15/2025 - 8/17/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7009 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
8/22/2025 - 8/24/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7010 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
8/29/2025 - 8/31/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7011 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
9/5/2025 - 9/7/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CSP-4000M-7012 (22) Nc Motorcycle Safety
9/12/2025 - 9/14/2025

This course uses curriculum developed by theMotorcycle Safety Foundation. The courseconsists of approximately 14 hours of range timeand 4 hours of classroom. A class consists ofone weekend (Friday 6-10PM, Saturday and Sunday8AM-6PM). Attendance at all sessions of theclass is required. Class is held rain or shine.This course requires physical stamina, motorcoordination and mental alertness. Students mustknow how to ride a bicycle, be able to support a300 lb. motorcycle while straddling it, and havethe ability to push the motorcycle for distancesup to 120 feet. No driver's license is required.Successful completion of the course will requiredto pass a written test and a motorcycle skillstest. The course is designed to prepare thestudents to pass both exams. Upon completion ofthe course, the student is provided with a cardto present to the DMV examiner that will waivethe NC skills portion of the test. Students willstill need to take the DMV's written exam beforebeing issued their motorcycle endorsement.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - DPARK
F 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 06:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CTP-3040A-2101 (7) Arc Flash
3/27/2025 - 3/27/2025

This course covers essential safety protocols,risk management, and compliance with industrystandards to ensure a safe and productiveworkplace. Eligible companies must demonstrate twoof the following: making an appreciable capitalinvestment, deploying new technology, creatingjobs or expanding the workforce, or enhancing thesafety skills and overall productivity of theiremployees.
3/27/2025CLASSOC21 - MTI1
TH 08:00am - 03:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CUL-3340A-2807 (4) Culinary: Far East Feast
3/11/2025 - 3/11/2025

This course introduces the fundamental concepts,skills, and techniques in basic cookery, includingmoist, dry, and combination heat. Emphasis isplaced on safe food/equipment handling, nutrition,recipe conversion, measurements, terminology,classical knife cuts, flavorings/seasonings,stocks/sauces/soups, and related topics. Uponcompletion, students should be able to exhibit thebasic cooking skills used in the food serviceindustry.
3/11/2025CLASSDare - 28851
T 03:00pm - 07:00pm
Patel, Shruti2/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CUL-3340A-2808 (4) Culinary: Sushi Night
3/18/2025 - 3/18/2025

This course introduces the fundamental concepts,skills, and techniques in basic cookery, includingmoist, dry, and combination heat. Emphasis isplaced on safe food/equipment handling, nutrition,recipe conversion, measurements, terminology,classical knife cuts, flavorings/seasonings,stocks/sauces/soups, and related topics. Uponcompletion, students should be able to exhibit thebasic cooking skills used in the food serviceindustry.
3/18/2025CLASSDare - 28851
T 03:00pm - 07:00pm
Patel, Shruti4/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CUL-3340A-2809 (4) Culinary: Brunch It Up
3/25/2025 - 3/25/2025

This course introduces the fundamental concepts,skills, and techniques in basic cookery, includingmoist, dry, and combination heat. Emphasis isplaced on safe food/equipment handling, nutrition,recipe conversion, measurements, terminology,classical knife cuts, flavorings/seasonings,stocks/sauces/soups, and related topics. Uponcompletion, students should be able to exhibit thebasic cooking skills used in the food serviceindustry.
3/25/2025CLASSDare - 28851
T 03:00pm - 07:00pm
Patel, Shruti1/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
CUL-3340A-2810 (4) Culinary: Pasta Night
4/1/2025 - 4/1/2025

This course introduces the fundamental concepts,skills, and techniques in basic cookery, includingmoist, dry, and combination heat. Emphasis isplaced on safe food/equipment handling, nutrition,recipe conversion, measurements, terminology,classical knife cuts, flavorings/seasonings,stocks/sauces/soups, and related topics. Uponcompletion, students should be able to exhibit thebasic cooking skills used in the food serviceindustry.
4/1/2025CLASSDare - 28851
T 03:00pm - 07:00pm
Patel, Shruti0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
DMV-3129A-2801 (8) Nc Vehicle Safety Inspection
3/18/2025 - 3/20/2025

This course is designed to meet the training andlicensing requirements (initial and/or renewal)for the Vehicle Safety and On-Board Diagnostic(OBD) Emissions Inspection Program administered bythe NC Division of Motor Vehicles, License andTheft Bureau. Upon completion, a student willunderstand the rules, regulations and proceduresfor conducting a vehicle safety and OBD emissionsinspection; be able to inspect a vehicle properly;and be prepared to sit for the state certificationexam.
3/18/2025CLASSDare - PAB201B
TTH 06:00pm - 10:00pm
Maher, Thomas19/20Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
DMV-3129A-7004 (8) Nc State Inspection
4/8/2025 - 4/10/2025

This course is designed to meet the training andlicensing requirements (initial and/or renewal)for the Vehicle Safety and On-Board Diagnostic(OBD) Emissions Inspection Program administered bythe NC Division of Motor Vehicles, License andTheft Bureau. Upon completion, a student willunderstand the rules, regulations and proceduresfor conducting a vehicle safety and OBD emissionsinspection; be able to inspect a vehicle properly;and be prepared to sit for the state certificationexam.
Elizabeth City - FC121A
Elizabeth City - NORT1
T 06:00pm - 10:00pm
TH 06:00pm - 10:00pm
Nixon, Jeffery5/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
DMV-3129A-7005 (8) Nc State Inspection
5/13/2025 - 5/15/2025

This course is designed to meet the training andlicensing requirements (initial and/or renewal)for the Vehicle Safety and On-Board Diagnostic(OBD) Emissions Inspection Program administered bythe NC Division of Motor Vehicles, License andTheft Bureau. Upon completion, a student willunderstand the rules, regulations and proceduresfor conducting a vehicle safety and OBD emissionsinspection; be able to inspect a vehicle properly;and be prepared to sit for the state certificationexam.
Elizabeth City - FC121A
Elizabeth City - FC121A
T 06:00pm - 10:00pm
TH 06:00pm - 10:00pm
Nixon, Jeffery0/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
EMS-3200A-3706 (2) Emergency Boat Operations
3/12/2025 - 3/12/2025

This training is designed to focus on new andemerging issues in Emergency Management Services.
3/12/2025CLASSOC37 - 37071
W 01:00pm - 03:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
EMS-3046A-7002 (4) PALS - Full
3/12/2025 - 3/12/2025

Pediatric Adv. Life Support (PALS)
3/12/2025CLASSOC70 - 70181
W 09:00am - 01:00pm
Mallette, Sebrina10/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
EMS-4402A-3706 (1) Intubation
3/14/2025 - 3/24/2025

This course must follow the guidelinesestablished by the NC Office of EMS. TheParamedic Continuing Education program must beconducted by an approved Basic or AdvancedEducational Institution as defined in the rulesof the North Carolina Medical Care Commission. All Continuing Education Programs will at aminimum, meet or exceed the National ContinuedCompetency Program (NCCP) established by theNational Registry of Emergency MedicalTechnicians. The NCCP allows local entities,including the state, region or agency to delivertopics that can be and are not limited to, stateor local protocol changes, tasks that requireremediation based on QA/QI and topics chosen fromrun reviews. Additionally, the NCCP allows anindividual the flexibility to pursue EMS-relatededucation of interest. Student prerequisite/entryrequirements: Currently holds a valid NorthCarolina, NREMT or other State EMS Credential.
3/14/2025CLASSOC37 - 37071
MTWTHF 05:00am - 06:00am
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
EMS-3046A-7001 (8) PALS Provider
4/8/2025 - 4/8/2025

Pediatric Adv. Life Support (PALS)
Elizabeth City - C110
Elizabeth City - C110
T 09:00am - 12:30pm
T 01:00pm - 05:30pm
Thrasher, RichardCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
EMS-3200A-7001 (40) EMS Leadership Academy
5/28/2025 - 6/1/2025

This training is designed to focus on new andemerging issues in Emergency Management Services.
Elizabeth City - FC121A
Elizabeth City - FC121A
Elizabeth City - FC121A
WTHF 08:00am - 12:00pm
WTHF 01:00pm - 06:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
EMS-3048A-7001 (8) ACLS Provider
7/15/2025 - 7/15/2025

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Elizabeth City - C110
Elizabeth City - C110
T 09:00am - 12:30pm
T 01:00pm - 05:30pm
Thrasher, RichardCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-3050A-2701 (28) FF Rescue Ops 1 (FF 2019)
3/11/2025 - 3/22/2025

This course includes instructional content forRescue. This course will present the candidatewith the knowledge, skills, and ability to satisfythe requirements of NFPA 1001: Standard forFirefighter Professional Qualifications (2019edition). This course should be offered consistentwith the most current NC Fire and RescueCommission guidelines; contact the Office of StateFire Marshal (OSFM) for details. Effective dateJuly 1, 2020/2019 Edition NFPA Standard.
Currituck - CPSS101
Currituck - CPSS101
Currituck - CPSS101
TTH 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Cirillo, John0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-3042A-3701 (28) FF Fireground Ops 2 (FF 2019)
3/14/2025 - 3/22/2025

This course includes instructional content forPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE). This coursewill present the candidate with the knowledge,skills, and ability to satisfy the requirements ofNFPA 1001: Standard for Firefighter ProfessionalQualifications (2019 edition). This course shouldbe offered consistent with the most current NCFire and Rescue Commission guidelines; contact theOffice of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) for details.Effective date July 1, 2020/2019 Edition NFPAStandard.
OC37 - 37131
OC37 - 37131
OC37 - 37131
OC37 - 37131
F 05:30pm - 10:30pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 07:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Miller, David0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-4728A-2803 (8) Live Burn
3/15/2025 - 3/15/2025

This course will allow students to be exposed tonew and emerging issues in fire and rescue.
OC28 - 28071
OC28 - 28071
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Walker, William0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-4728A-2804 (8) Live Burn
3/16/2025 - 3/16/2025

This course will allow students to be exposed tonew and emerging issues in fire and rescue.
OC28 - 28071
OC28 - 28071
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Walker, William0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-7000A-2801 (4) Traffic Incident Management
3/20/2025 - 3/20/2025

This course is designed to establish thefoundation for and promote consistent training ofall responders to achieve the three objectives ofthe Traffic Incident Management (TIM) NationalUnified Goal: responder safety; safety, quickclearance from incidents; and prompt, reliable,interoperable communications. This course willfamiliarize fire and rescue personnel with thepurpose of the Strategic Highway Research Program2 (SHRP2) and National TIM Responder TrainingProgram and how it relates specifically to NorthCarolina. Participants will learn to recognizeand identify the dangers encountered by emergencyresponders working in or near traffic. Thiscourse is not a state fire & rescue certificationcourse; however, it is a requirement related toone or more state certifications and willtransfer electronically to the Office of StateFire Marshal (OSFM) for inclusion on OSFMtranscripts. Please contact OSFM for details.
3/20/2025CLASSOC28 - 28281
TH 06:30pm - 10:30pm
Roepcke, Frank0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-7001A-2801 (12) FF/TR Emergency Medical Care
3/22/2025 - 3/25/2025

This certification-related course is designed togive the candidate a basic understanding ofemergency medical care procedures as well as allof the information required to meet the knowledge,skills, and abilities to satisfy the keyrequirements of NFPA 1001: Standard for FireFighter Professional Qualifications (2017 edition;Chapter 6) and NFPA 1006: Standard for TechnicalRescuer Professional Qualifications (2013 edition;Chapter 4). This course should be offeredconsistent with the most current NC Fire andRescue Commission guidelines; contact the Officeof State Fire Marshal (OSFM) for details.
OC28 - 28431
OC28 - 28431
OC28 - 28431
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
T 06:30pm - 10:30pm
Dudek, Matthew0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-3051A-2701 (28) FF FLSE Initiatives (FF 2019)
3/25/2025 - 4/5/2025

This course includes instructional content forFire Detection & Suppression Systems and Fire andLife Safety Initiatives. This course will presentthe candidate with the knowledge, skills, andability to satisfy the requirements of NFPA 1001:Standard for Firefighter ProfessionalQualifications (2019 edition). This course shouldbe offered consistent with the most current NCFire and Rescue Commission guidelines; contact theOffice of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) for details.Effective date July 1, 2020/2019 Edition NFPAStandard.
Currituck - CPSS101
Currituck - CPSS101
Currituck - CPSS101
TTH 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Cirillo, John0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-6413A-2801 (24) MaydaySafety&Survival-RIC2020
3/27/2025 - 4/9/2025

This course includes instructional content forMayday and FF Safety & Survival. This course willpresent the candidate with the knowledge, skills,and abilities to satisfy the key requirements ofNFPA 1407: Standard for Training Fire ServiceRapid Intervention Crews (2020 edition). Thiscourse should be offered consistent with the mostcurrent NC Fire and Rescue Commission guidelines. Contact the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM)for details. Effective date July 1, 2020/2019Edition NFPA Standard.
OC28 - 28311
OC28 - 28311
OC28 - 28311
OC28 - 28311
TTH 06:30pm - 10:30pm
W 06:30pm - 10:30am
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-6413A-2701 (24) MaydaySafety&Survival-RIC2020
4/8/2025 - 5/1/2025

This course includes instructional content forMayday and FF Safety & Survival. This course willpresent the candidate with the knowledge, skills,and abilities to satisfy the key requirements ofNFPA 1407: Standard for Training Fire ServiceRapid Intervention Crews (2020 edition). Thiscourse should be offered consistent with the mostcurrent NC Fire and Rescue Commission guidelines. Contact the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM)for details. Effective date July 1, 2020/2019Edition NFPA Standard.
4/8/2025Cirillo, John0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-3556A-2801 (40) HM Ops (Chapters 4/5/6.2/6.6)
4/10/2025 - 4/29/2025

This course is designed to cover initial responseobjectives to a hazardous materials incident. Thisblock will present the candidate with theknowledge, skills, and ability to satisfy therequirements of OSHA 1910.120 and Chapter 4, 5,6.2, and 6.6 of NFPA 1072: Standard for HazardousMaterials/Weapons of Mass Destruction EmergencyResponse Personnel Professional Qualifications(2017 edition). This course should be offeredconsistent with the most current NC Fire andRescue Commission guidelines; contact the Officeof State Fire Marshal (OSFM) for details.Effective date July 1, 2020/NFPA 1072 Standard,2017 edition.
OC28 - 28431
OC28 - 28431
OC28 - 28431
OC28 - 28431
OC28 - 28431
TTH 06:30pm - 10:30pm
WTH 06:30pm - 10:30pm
T 06:30pm - 10:30pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 12:00pm
Dudek, Matthew0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-3600A-2801 (24) Emergency Vehicle Driver
5/1/2025 - 5/13/2025

This course deals with the safe operation ofemergency vehicles, driving skills, legalimplications of emergency driving. departmentalstandard operating procedures, and abilities tosatisfy the key requirements of NFPA 1002:Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/OperatorProfessional Qualifications (2017 edition). Thiscourse should be offered consistent with the mostcurrent NC Fire and Rescue Commission guidelines;contact the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM)for details. Effective date July 1, 2020/NFPA 1002Standard, 2017 edition.
OC28 - 28411
OC28 - 28411
OC28 - 28411
TTH 06:30pm - 10:30pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Batschelet, Clarence0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
FIP-3600A-2701 (28) Emergency Vehicle Driver
5/3/2025 - 5/13/2025

This course deals with the safe operation ofemergency vehicles, driving skills, legalimplications of emergency driving. departmentalstandard operating procedures, and abilities tosatisfy the key requirements of NFPA 1002:Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/OperatorProfessional Qualifications (2017 edition). Thiscourse should be offered consistent with the mostcurrent NC Fire and Rescue Commission guidelines;contact the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM)for details. Effective date July 1, 2020/NFPA 1002Standard, 2017 edition.
Currituck - CPSS101
Currituck - CPSS101
Currituck - CPSS101
TTH 06:00pm - 10:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
, 0/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
HOS-3058A-2802 (9) Pool & Spa Certification
3/17/2025 - 3/17/2025

Pool and spa operator certification. Students should bring apencil, highlighter and a calculator to class. Fee includesmanual and written test required by the NC Department ofEnvironmental Health. One hour for lunch on your own. Must beregistered two business days before class. Space is limited.
Dare - PAB201B
Dare - PAB201B
M 08:00am - 12:00pm
M 01:00pm - 06:00pm
Suchy, Anthony17/18Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
HOS-3058A-2803 (9) Pool & Spa Certification
4/14/2025 - 4/14/2025

Pool and spa operator certification. Students should bring apencil, highlighter and a calculator to class. Fee includesmanual and written test required by the NC Department ofEnvironmental Health. One hour for lunch on your own. Must beregistered two business days before class. Space is limited.
Dare - PAB201B
Dare - PAB201B
M 08:00am - 12:00pm
M 01:00pm - 06:00pm
Suchy, Anthony3/15Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
LEO-4000FO-IN02 (104) Fiber Optic Technician
3/18/2025 - 5/6/2025

This course covers the principles of fiber optics,particularly as a communications transmissionmedium. Topics include digital communicationssystems, optical fibers, cables, splices,connectors, optical transmitters and receivers,installation techniques, component testing, andsystem testing. Upon completion, students shouldbe able to splice and connectorize a fiber, makemeasurements of fiber optic systems, and test andtroubleshoot fiber optic components required tomaintain "Fiber to the Home" (FTTH) and Fiber tothe Building (FTTB) systems. Individualscompleting the course may be eligible for aninternship or registered U.S. Department of Laborapprenticeship with a communications serviceprovider or installation contractor.
Chowan - EDN4408A
TTH 01:00pm - 05:00pm

Hapner, Cache'4/8Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
LEX-3874A-7007 (7) Notary Public Education - Full
4/5/2025 - 4/5/2025

This course is designed to provide instruction toindividuals who want to become commissioned as aNotary Public. Topics include legal, ethical andprocedural requirements of the Notary Act. Uponcompletion of this course with a passing examgrade of 80%, a person is eligible to makeapplication with the NC Secretary of State office.For more information, go to
Elizabeth City - FC121A
Elizabeth City - FC121A
08:30am - 12:30pm
01:00pm - 04:00pm
Avens, James15/15Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
LEX-3874A-2803 (7) Notary Public Education
4/5/2025 - 4/5/2025

This course is designed to provide instruction toindividuals who want to become commissioned as aNotary Public. Topics include legal, ethical andprocedural requirements of the Notary Act. Uponcompletion of this course with a passing examgrade of 80%, a person is eligible to makeapplication with the NC Secretary of State office.For more information, go to
Dare - PAB202
Dare - PAB202
09:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Gatling, Deborah10/20Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
LEX-3874A-7009 (7) Notary Public Education
5/3/2025 - 5/3/2025

This course is designed to provide instruction toindividuals who want to become commissioned as aNotary Public. Topics include legal, ethical andprocedural requirements of the Notary Act. Uponcompletion of this course with a passing examgrade of 80%, a person is eligible to makeapplication with the NC Secretary of State office.For more information, go to
Elizabeth City - FC121A
Elizabeth City - FC121A
08:30am - 12:30pm
01:00pm - 04:00pm
Avens, James6/15Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
LEX-3874A-2804 (7) Notary Public Education
5/3/2025 - 5/3/2025

This course is designed to provide instruction toindividuals who want to become commissioned as aNotary Public. Topics include legal, ethical andprocedural requirements of the Notary Act. Uponcompletion of this course with a passing examgrade of 80%, a person is eligible to makeapplication with the NC Secretary of State office.For more information, go to
Dare - PAB201B
Dare - PAB201B
09:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Gatling, Deborah0/20Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
LEX-3874A-2805 (7) Notary Public Education
6/7/2025 - 6/7/2025

This course is designed to provide instruction toindividuals who want to become commissioned as aNotary Public. Topics include legal, ethical andprocedural requirements of the Notary Act. Uponcompletion of this course with a passing examgrade of 80%, a person is eligible to makeapplication with the NC Secretary of State office.For more information, go to
Dare - PAB201B
Dare - PAB201B
09:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Gatling, Deborah0/20Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
LEX-3874A-2806 (7) Notary Public Education
8/2/2025 - 8/2/2025

This course is designed to provide instruction toindividuals who want to become commissioned as aNotary Public. Topics include legal, ethical andprocedural requirements of the Notary Act. Uponcompletion of this course with a passing examgrade of 80%, a person is eligible to makeapplication with the NC Secretary of State office.For more information, go to
Dare - PAB201A
Dare - PAB201A
09:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Gatling, Deborah0/20Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
LEX-3874A-2807 (7) Notary Public Education
9/6/2025 - 9/6/2025

This course is designed to provide instruction toindividuals who want to become commissioned as aNotary Public. Topics include legal, ethical andprocedural requirements of the Notary Act. Uponcompletion of this course with a passing examgrade of 80%, a person is eligible to makeapplication with the NC Secretary of State office.For more information, go to
Dare - PAB201A
Dare - PAB201A
09:00am - 12:00pm
01:00pm - 05:00pm
Gatling, Deborah0/20Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
MKT-3419G-2802 (24) Digital Marketing
3/24/2025 - 5/19/2025

This course is designed for instructional areasrelated to principles and practices of sales andmarketing in the retail industry: 1) promotion,2) placement, 3) pricing strategies for products,4) management skills related store operations, 4)green products & packaging and 5) staffing.
3/24/2025CLASSDare - PAB202
M 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Anderson, Brett4/15Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
MLS-3808A-2801 (24) Workplace Leadership
3/31/2025 - 5/29/2025

This is an interactive course focused on developing theleadership skills to successfully navigate the unique businessenvironment of the Outer Banks. Through group exercises,discussion, case studies, and assignments, students will developtheir leadership style and capability to supervise, motivate,build teams, manage group dynamics, communicate effectively, anddeal with conflict. This course addresses key components ofleadership behavior, including personal integrity,self-knowledge, vision, communication, organizational competence,and empowering people and teams. This class offers an onlineinstruction option.
, 3/15Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
NAS-3242A-IN01 (40) Nurse Aide I Refresher
4/7/2025 - 4/17/2025

This course is designed to provide a review ofthe Nurse Aide I core content to prepareindividuals who have been or are currently listedon a Nurse Aide I Registry, have successfullycompleted a state-approved training program, holda state recognized health care credential fromany state as or military personnel who have hadmedical/corpsman training to sit for the NurseAide I State Exam. The course is a minimum offorty (40) hours and must include the followingNurse Aide I curriculum content: Basic NursingSkills, Personal Care Skills, Recognition ofMental Health and Social Service Needs, Care ofCognitively Impaired Residents, Basic RestorativeServices and Resident Rights. Lab activities arerequired but clinical rotations are optional.Nurse Aide I Refresher programs must be approvedby the Division of Health Service Regulations(DHSR).
4/7/2025CLASSChowan - EDN3304
MTWTH 09:00am - 02:00pm
Hudgins, Linda4/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
NAS-3240A-IN02 (160) Nurse Aide Level I - Full
5/5/2025 - 7/16/2025

This course is designed to prepare graduates toprovide personal care and perform basic nursingskills for the elderly and other adults. Emphasison aging process including mental, social andphysical needs of the elderly, patient's rights,nutrition management, elimination procedures, safeenvironment, restorative services, personal andspecial care procedures and activities, human bodystructure and function and related commondisease/disorders, communication anddocumentation, death and dying, and roles of thenursing assistant and health team members. Askill/competency evaluation is required. Thecourse includes class, laboratory and clinicallearning experiences. Upon satisfactory completionof the course and skill/competency evaluation, thegraduate is eligible to apply for listing as aNurse Aide I by the N.C. Division of FacilityServices.
Chowan - EDN3304
Chowan - EDN3304
Chowan - 21031
Chowan - EDN3304
MW 09:00am - 02:30pm
W 09:00am - 03:00pm
MW 08:00am - 04:00pm
MW 09:00am - 01:30pm
Hudgins, Linda6/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
NAS-3240A-IN03 (160) Nurse Aide Level I - Full
5/5/2025 - 7/21/2025

This course is designed to prepare graduates toprovide personal care and perform basic nursingskills for the elderly and other adults. Emphasison aging process including mental, social andphysical needs of the elderly, patient's rights,nutrition management, elimination procedures, safeenvironment, restorative services, personal andspecial care procedures and activities, human bodystructure and function and related commondisease/disorders, communication anddocumentation, death and dying, and roles of thenursing assistant and health team members. Askill/competency evaluation is required. Thecourse includes class, laboratory and clinicallearning experiences. Upon satisfactory completionof the course and skill/competency evaluation, thegraduate is eligible to apply for listing as aNurse Aide I by the N.C. Division of FacilityServices.
Currituck - CPSC205
Currituck - CPSC205
Currituck - 27211
Currituck - CPSC205
Currituck - CPSC205
M 10:00am - 12:00pm
MW 10:00am - 03:00pm
MW 08:00am - 04:00pm
M 09:00am - 12:00pm
M 01:00pm - 07:00pm
Barnes, Morgan6/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
NAS-3240A-IN01 (160) Nurse Aide Level I - Full
5/6/2025 - 7/10/2025

This course is designed to prepare graduates toprovide personal care and perform basic nursingskills for the elderly and other adults. Emphasison aging process including mental, social andphysical needs of the elderly, patient's rights,nutrition management, elimination procedures, safeenvironment, restorative services, personal andspecial care procedures and activities, human bodystructure and function and related commondisease/disorders, communication anddocumentation, death and dying, and roles of thenursing assistant and health team members. Askill/competency evaluation is required. Thecourse includes class, laboratory and clinicallearning experiences. Upon satisfactory completionof the course and skill/competency evaluation, thegraduate is eligible to apply for listing as aNurse Aide I by the N.C. Division of FacilityServices.
Elizabeth City - C109
Elizabeth City - C109
Elizabeth City - KIND1
Elizabeth City - C109
Elizabeth City - C109
TTH 09:00am - 02:30pm
T 09:00am - 03:00pm
TTH 08:00am - 04:00pm
TH 08:00am - 12:00pm
TH 01:00pm - 06:00pm
Barnes, Morgan6/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
NAS-3240A-IN20 (160) Nurse Aide Level I - Full
5/6/2025 - 7/15/2025

This course is designed to prepare graduates toprovide personal care and perform basic nursingskills for the elderly and other adults. Emphasison aging process including mental, social andphysical needs of the elderly, patient's rights,nutrition management, elimination procedures, safeenvironment, restorative services, personal andspecial care procedures and activities, human bodystructure and function and related commondisease/disorders, communication anddocumentation, death and dying, and roles of thenursing assistant and health team members. Askill/competency evaluation is required. Thecourse includes class, laboratory and clinicallearning experiences. Upon satisfactory completionof the course and skill/competency evaluation, thegraduate is eligible to apply for listing as aNurse Aide I by the N.C. Division of FacilityServices.
Dare - DARA206
Dare - DARA206
Dare - 28061
Dare - DARA206
TTH 09:00am - 02:30pm
T 09:00am - 03:00pm
TTH 07:00am - 03:00pm
TTH 09:00am - 01:30pm
Youmans, Laura6/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
NAS-3240A-IN04 (160) Nurse Aide Level I - Full
5/9/2025 - 7/17/2025

This course is designed to prepare graduates toprovide personal care and perform basic nursingskills for the elderly and other adults. Emphasison aging process including mental, social andphysical needs of the elderly, patient's rights,nutrition management, elimination procedures, safeenvironment, restorative services, personal andspecial care procedures and activities, human bodystructure and function and related commondisease/disorders, communication anddocumentation, death and dying, and roles of thenursing assistant and health team members. Askill/competency evaluation is required. Thecourse includes class, laboratory and clinicallearning experiences. Upon satisfactory completionof the course and skill/competency evaluation, thegraduate is eligible to apply for listing as aNurse Aide I by the N.C. Division of FacilityServices.
Elizabeth City - C113
Elizabeth City - C113
Elizabeth City - C113
Elizabeth City - C113
Elizabeth City - C113
Elizabeth City - C113
Elizabeth City - KIND1
Elizabeth City - C113
Elizabeth City - C113
F 08:00am - 12:00pm
F 01:00pm - 05:00pm
TH 08:00am - 12:00pm
TH 01:00pm - 05:00pm
TH 08:00am - 12:00pm
TH 01:00pm - 05:00pm
THF 07:00am - 03:00pm
TH 08:00am - 12:00pm
TH 01:00pm - 06:00pm
Hill, Nicole10/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
NAS-3241A-IN03 (160) Nurse Aide Level II
5/28/2025 - 8/13/2025

This course is designed to prepare graduates toperform more complex skills for patients orresidents regardless of the setting. Askill/competency evaluation is required fordocumenting student competency. The courseincludes class, laboratory and clinical learningexperiences. Upon satisfactory completion of thecourse and skill/competency evaluation, thegraduate is eligible to apply for listing as aNurse Aide II by the North Carolina Board ofNursing Nurse Aide Registry. In all employmentsettings, the listed Nursing Assistant II willwork under the direction and supervision oflicensed personnel. PREREQUISITE: High SchoolDiploma or GED and listed on the NC Nurse Aide IRegistry.
Elizabeth City - C109
Elizabeth City - C109
Elizabeth City - C109
Elizabeth City - C109
Elizabeth City - C109
MW 08:00am - 12:00pm
MW 12:30pm - 04:30pm
MW 08:00am - 04:00pm
W 08:00am - 12:00pm
W 12:30pm - 04:30pm
Barnes, Morgan1/3Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
OSH-3012A-2702 (8) OSHA Forklift Operator
3/28/2025 - 3/28/2025

This course provides instruction on the operationand maintenance of an industrial forklift. Coretopics include forklift design, controls andinstrumentation, pre-use inspection, safetyawareness, and forklift stability. This coursemeets the training requirements for relatedOccupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) regulations.
Currituck - ATTC120
Currituck - ATTC120
F 08:30am - 12:30pm
F 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Stolarczyk, John3/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
OSH-3012A-2703 (8) OSHA Forklift Operator
5/2/2025 - 5/2/2025

This course provides instruction on the operationand maintenance of an industrial forklift. Coretopics include forklift design, controls andinstrumentation, pre-use inspection, safetyawareness, and forklift stability. This coursemeets the training requirements for relatedOccupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) regulations.
Currituck - ATTC120
Currituck - ATTC120
F 08:30am - 12:30pm
F 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Stolarczyk, John1/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
PHM-3250A-IN04 (142) Pharmacy Technician Training
3/13/2025 - 5/8/2025

This course provides instruction in the technicalprocedures for preparing and dispensing drugs inthe hospital and retail settings under supervisionof a registered pharmacist. Topics include drugpackaging and labeling, out-patient dispensing,hospital dispensing procedures, controlledsubstance procedures, inventory control, andnon-sterile compounding. Upon completion, studentsshould be able to perform basic superviseddispensing techniques in a variety of pharmacysettings.
Currituck - CPSC205
Currituck - CPSC205
TH 12:00pm - 05:00pm
TH 12:00pm - 06:00pm
Pierce, Amy1/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
PHM-3250A-IN05 (142) Pharmacy Technician Training
5/29/2025 - 7/24/2025

This course provides instruction in the technicalprocedures for preparing and dispensing drugs inthe hospital and retail settings under supervisionof a registered pharmacist. Topics include drugpackaging and labeling, out-patient dispensing,hospital dispensing procedures, controlledsubstance procedures, inventory control, andnon-sterile compounding. Upon completion, studentsshould be able to perform basic superviseddispensing techniques in a variety of pharmacysettings.
Elizabeth City - FC128
Elizabeth City - FC128
TH 12:00pm - 05:00pm
TH 12:00pm - 06:00pm
Pierce, Amy3/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
PHM-4100A-7001 (24) Medication Aide
6/27/2025 - 6/29/2025

This course is designed to meet the trainingrequirements for becoming qualified as aMedication Aide. The course will cover the sixrights of medication administration fornon-licensed personnel. Topics will includemedication administration via the oral, topicaland instillation routes, medical asepsis, handhygiene, terminology, and legal implications. Uponcompletion, students should be able to take thecompetency exam and demonstrate skills necessaryto qualify for listing on the North CarolinaMedication Aide Registry.
Elizabeth City - C109
Elizabeth City - C109
F 08:00am - 12:00pm
F 01:00pm - 05:00pm
Sawyer, Jackqulyn3/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
PRC-3104G-7002 (48) Wheelthrowing - Morning - Full
3/11/2025 - 5/29/2025

This course is designed to cover a specificheritage art such as pottery, basket weaving,fabric arts, wood turning, wood carving, jewelrymaking; as well as cover a specific skill levelsuch as introductory, intermediate, or advancedlevels. Course work will include discussion onthe history and trends of the art, practice inselected heritage arts, and information to buildand supply appropriate studios. Upon completion,students will be prepared to either advance to ahigher skill level or to fabricate and markettheir goods.
3/11/2025CLASSElizabeth City - PLAB1
TTH 08:30am - 11:30am
Murray, Jerry6/6Register Now
PRC-3104G-7007 (48) Wheelthrowing - Afternoon - Full
3/11/2025 - 5/29/2025

This course is designed to cover a specificheritage art such as pottery, basket weaving,fabric arts, wood turning, wood carving, jewelrymaking; as well as cover a specific skill levelsuch as introductory, intermediate, or advancedlevels. Course work will include discussion onthe history and trends of the art, practice inselected heritage arts, and information to buildand supply appropriate studios. Upon completion,students will be prepared to either advance to ahigher skill level or to fabricate and markettheir goods.
3/11/2025CLASSElizabeth City - PLAB1
TTH 11:30am - 01:30pm
Murray, Jerry7/6Register Now
PRC-3104G-7008 (48) Wheelthrowing - 3rd - Full
3/11/2025 - 5/29/2025

This course is designed to cover a specificheritage art such as pottery, basket weaving,fabric arts, wood turning, wood carving, jewelrymaking; as well as cover a specific skill levelsuch as introductory, intermediate, or advancedlevels. Course work will include discussion onthe history and trends of the art, practice inselected heritage arts, and information to buildand supply appropriate studios. Upon completion,students will be prepared to either advance to ahigher skill level or to fabricate and markettheir goods.
3/11/2025CLASSElizabeth City - PLAB1
TTH 01:45pm - 03:45pm
Murray, Jerry7/7Register Now
PRC-3104D-2811 (12) Pottery: Ceramic Jewelry
3/18/2025 - 4/8/2025

For this class students will learn how to make colorful ceramicearrings, pendants, and beads using porcelain (or porcelain-likeclay), and high-fire wire. Some experience with clay is helpfulbut not required. All materials are included in the cost of thecourse.
3/18/2025CLASSDare - PAB104
T 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Clower, Michelle2/12Register Now
PRC-3104D-2806 (28) Pottery: Open Studio - Full
3/24/2025 - 5/12/2025

Open studio classes are designed for potters with priorexperience who are comfortable working at their own pace in asupportive, community-based classroom. While specific assignmentswill not be part of the course, guidance from our experiencedinstructor is available, as well as input from other classmates.Students will work on their own individual projects. 50lbs clayis included in the course cost.
3/24/2025CLASSDare - PAB104
M 09:00am - 01:00pm
Wilkins, Katherine12/12Register Now
PRC-3104D-2807 (24) Pottery: Open Lab - Full
3/26/2025 - 5/14/2025

Open studio classes are designed for potters with priorexperience who are comfortable working at their own pace in asupportive, community-based classroom. While specific assignmentswill not be part of the course, guidance from our experiencedinstructor is available, as well as input from other classmates.Students will work on their own individual projects. 50lbs clayis included in the course cost.
3/26/2025CLASSDare - PAB104
W 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Wilkins, Katherine13/13Register Now
PRC-3104F-7016 (48) Wheelthrowing-Morning
4/7/2025 - 7/2/2025

This course is designed to cover a specificheritage art such as pottery, basket weaving,fabric arts, wood turning, wood carving, jewelrymaking; as well as cover a specific skill levelsuch as introductory, intermediate, or advancedlevels. Course work will include discussion onthe history and trends of the art, practice inselected heritage arts, and information to buildand supply appropriate studios. Upon completion,students will be prepared to either advance to ahigher skill level or to fabricate and markettheir goods.
4/7/2025CLASSElizabeth City - PLAB1
MW 09:00am - 11:00am
Doying, Carissa6/7Register Now
PRC-3104F-7017 (48) Wheelthrowing-Afternoon
4/7/2025 - 7/2/2025

This course is designed to cover a specificheritage art such as pottery, basket weaving,fabric arts, wood turning, wood carving, jewelrymaking; as well as cover a specific skill levelsuch as introductory, intermediate, or advancedlevels. Course work will include discussion onthe history and trends of the art, practice inselected heritage arts, and information to buildand supply appropriate studios. Upon completion,students will be prepared to either advance to ahigher skill level or to fabricate and markettheir goods.
4/7/2025CLASSElizabeth City - PLAB1
MW 11:30am - 01:30pm
Doying, Carissa6/7Register Now
PRC-3104F-7018 (48) Wheelthrowing-Evening - Full
4/7/2025 - 7/2/2025

This course is designed to cover a specificheritage art such as pottery, basket weaving,fabric arts, wood turning, wood carving, jewelrymaking; as well as cover a specific skill levelsuch as introductory, intermediate, or advancedlevels. Course work will include discussion onthe history and trends of the art, practice inselected heritage arts, and information to buildand supply appropriate studios. Upon completion,students will be prepared to either advance to ahigher skill level or to fabricate and markettheir goods.
4/7/2025CLASSElizabeth City - PLAB1
MW 06:00pm - 08:00pm
Doying, Carissa7/7Register Now
PRC-3104G-7009 (48) Wheelthrowing - Afternoon
6/3/2025 - 8/21/2025

This course is designed to cover a specificheritage art such as pottery, basket weaving,fabric arts, wood turning, wood carving, jewelrymaking; as well as cover a specific skill levelsuch as introductory, intermediate, or advancedlevels. Course work will include discussion onthe history and trends of the art, practice inselected heritage arts, and information to buildand supply appropriate studios. Upon completion,students will be prepared to either advance to ahigher skill level or to fabricate and markettheir goods.
6/3/2025CLASSElizabeth City - PLAB1
TTH 11:30am - 01:30pm
Murray, Jerry0/6Register Now
PRC-3104G-7011 (48) Wheelthrowing - Afternoon
8/26/2025 - 11/13/2025

This course is designed to cover a specificheritage art such as pottery, basket weaving,fabric arts, wood turning, wood carving, jewelrymaking; as well as cover a specific skill levelsuch as introductory, intermediate, or advancedlevels. Course work will include discussion onthe history and trends of the art, practice inselected heritage arts, and information to buildand supply appropriate studios. Upon completion,students will be prepared to either advance to ahigher skill level or to fabricate and markettheir goods.
8/26/2025CLASSElizabeth City - PLAB1
TTH 11:30am - 01:30pm
Murray, Jerry0/6Register Now
SAF-3010A-2709 (3) Heartsaver CPR/AED
3/14/2025 - 3/14/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
3/14/2025CLASSOC27 - TAMS1
F 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3023A-7001 (8) BLS Instructor
3/25/2025 - 3/25/2025

The CPR Instructor's Course is designed to certifybasic CPR Instructors through the American HeartAssociation. This course teaches instructionskills in general, as well as specific CPRteaching skills. Upon successful completion, thestudent will be awarded a CPR Instructor'scertificate. Pre-requisite: Current certificationin CPR Course ""C"" or equivalent.
Elizabeth City - FC121A
Elizabeth City - FC121A
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
T 02:00pm - 06:00pm
Beaman, Clifton13/23Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7009 (3) BLS
3/26/2025 - 3/26/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
3/26/2025CLASSOC70 - 70131
W 09:00am - 12:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7012 (3) BLS
4/2/2025 - 4/2/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
4/2/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 08:00pm
Rajnes, CatherineCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7001 (3) K12 HS CPR AED & First Aid
5/27/2025 - 5/27/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
5/27/2025CLASSOC70 - NORTIHR
T 05:00pm - 08:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7002 (3) K12 HS CPR AED & First Aid
5/28/2025 - 5/28/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
5/28/2025CLASSOC70 - NORTIHR
W 05:00pm - 08:00am
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7003 (3) K12 HS CPR AED & First Aid
5/29/2025 - 5/29/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
5/29/2025CLASSOC70 - NORTIHR
TH 05:00pm - 08:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7004 (3) K12 HS CPR AED & First Aid
5/30/2025 - 5/30/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
5/30/2025CLASSOC70 - NORT1
F 05:00pm - 08:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7005 (3) K12 HS CPR AED & First Aid
6/2/2025 - 6/2/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
6/2/2025CLASSOC70 - NORT1
M 05:00pm - 08:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7006 (3) K12 HS CPR AED & First Aid
6/3/2025 - 6/3/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
6/3/2025CLASSOC70 - NORT1
T 05:00pm - 08:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7007 (3) K12 HS CPR AED & First Aid
6/4/2025 - 6/4/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
6/4/2025CLASSOC70 - NORT1
W 05:00pm - 08:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-7008 (3) K12 HS CPR AED & First Aid
6/5/2025 - 6/5/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
TH 05:00pm - 08:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SAF-3010A-2101 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
6/10/2025 - 6/10/2025

This course is designed to instruct the laypersonor professional responder in the basics of FirstAid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), witha focus on cardiac, breathing, and otherlife-threatening medical emergencies as well asawareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens. Upon successful completion, the student mayqualify to receive certification through acertifying agency.
6/10/2025CLASSChowan - 21321
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
, Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-2801 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
3/11/2025 - 3/11/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
3/11/2025CLASSDare - DARA112
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
, 2/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7011 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED - Full
3/12/2025 - 3/12/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
3/12/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine1/1Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CPR-7001 (3) BLS Provider
3/13/2025 - 3/13/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
3/13/2025CLASSOC70 - 70571
TH 01:00pm - 04:00pm
Tutwiler, Krystal0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001PM-2802 (24) Practical Project Management
3/20/2025 - 3/23/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
Dare - PAB201A
Dare - PAB201A
THF 09:00am - 12:00pm
THF 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 3/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001BUS-2801 (4) Toolset for Business Success
3/21/2025 - 3/21/2025

As a business owner, success isn't just about what you do-it'sabout how you think, what you know, and the tools you use. JoinTeuta Towler for an exclusive workshop designed to help youlevel up your mindset, sharpen your skillset, and optimize yourtoolset so you can achieve breakthrough results in your business.What You'll Gain: Mindset: Rewire your thinking for growth,resilience, and success; Skillset: Identify areas for skilldevelopment in yourself and or your team; Toolset: Learn abouttools to help you work smarter, not harder. This class offers anonline learning option.
3/21/2025CLASSDare - DARA215
F 01:00pm - 05:00pm
, 0/25Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7003 (3) Heartcode BLS Skills
3/24/2025 - 3/24/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
3/24/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7007 (3) Heartsaver Skills
3/24/2025 - 3/24/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
3/24/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7021 (3) BLS Provider
3/29/2025 - 3/29/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
3/29/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
09:00am - 12:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine4/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CZ-2702 (80) Dme Prep Course
3/31/2025 - 4/11/2025

This one night class is for students with somewelding experience who desire to betterunderstand their own portable welder. Bring yourown portable welder to class and the instructorwill help you learn to use it. Please list brandand model when registering for the class
Currituck - ATTC105
Currituck - ATTC105
MTWTHF 08:00am - 12:00pm
MTWTHF 12:30pm - 04:30pm
Repanshek, David0/1Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7017 (3) BLS Provider
4/2/2025 - 4/2/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
4/2/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 08:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001QB-7001 (6) Intro to Quickbooks
4/2/2025 - 4/9/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
4/2/2025CLASSElizabeth City - FC207
W 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Buckley-Williams, Jessica3/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-2102 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
4/8/2025 - 4/8/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
4/8/2025CLASSChowan - EDN4411
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7022 (3) BLS Provider
4/26/2025 - 4/26/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
4/26/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
09:00am - 12:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7004 (3) Heartcode BLS Skills
4/28/2025 - 4/28/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
4/28/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7008 (3) Heartsaver Skills
4/28/2025 - 4/28/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
4/28/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7012 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
4/30/2025 - 4/30/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
4/30/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-2702 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
5/6/2025 - 5/6/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
5/6/2025CLASSCurrituck - CPSS101
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7018 (3) BLS Provider
5/7/2025 - 5/7/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
5/7/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 08:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7023 (3) BLS Provider
5/10/2025 - 5/10/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
5/10/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
09:00am - 12:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7013 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
5/14/2025 - 5/14/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
5/14/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7001 (3) Heartcode BLS Skills
5/19/2025 - 5/19/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
5/19/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7004 (3) Heartsaver Skills
5/19/2025 - 5/19/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
5/19/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-2801 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
6/3/2025 - 6/3/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
6/3/2025CLASSDare - DARA112
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7009 (3) BLS Provider
6/11/2025 - 6/11/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
6/11/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 08:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CPR-7001 (3) BLS Provider
6/12/2025 - 6/12/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
6/12/2025CLASSOC70 - 70571
TH 01:00pm - 04:00pm
Tutwiler, Krystal0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7007 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
6/18/2025 - 6/18/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
6/18/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7012 (3) BLS Provider
6/28/2025 - 6/28/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
6/28/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
09:00am - 12:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7002 (3) Heartcode BLS Skills
6/30/2025 - 6/30/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
6/30/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7005 (3) Heartsaver Skills
6/30/2025 - 6/30/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
6/30/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-2101 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
7/1/2025 - 7/1/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
7/1/2025CLASSChowan - EDN4411
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7010 (3) BLS Provider
7/9/2025 - 7/9/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
7/9/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 08:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7008 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
7/16/2025 - 7/16/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
7/16/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7013 (3) BLS Provider
7/26/2025 - 7/26/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
7/26/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
09:00am - 12:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7003 (3) Heartcode BLS Skills
7/28/2025 - 7/28/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
7/28/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7006 (3) Heartsaver Skills
7/28/2025 - 7/28/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
7/28/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-2701 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
8/5/2025 - 8/5/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
8/5/2025CLASSCurrituck - CPSS101
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7011 (3) BLS Provider
8/6/2025 - 8/6/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
8/6/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 08:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7021 (3) BLS Provider
8/16/2025 - 8/16/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
8/16/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
09:00am - 12:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7001 (3) Heartcode BLS Skills
8/25/2025 - 8/25/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
8/25/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7006 (3) Heartsaver Skills
8/25/2025 - 8/25/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
8/25/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
M 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7012 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
8/27/2025 - 8/27/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
8/27/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-2801 (4) HS FA/CPR/AED
9/9/2025 - 9/9/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
9/9/2025CLASSDare - DARA112
T 09:00am - 01:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CU-7017 (3) BLS Provider
9/10/2025 - 9/10/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
9/10/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C110
W 05:00pm - 08:00pm
Rajnes, Catherine0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
SEF-3001CPR-7001 (3) BLS Provider
9/11/2025 - 9/11/2025

This course number may be used to report anyoccupational extension course that is funded withreceipts, and that will not generate budget FTE.
9/11/2025CLASSOC70 - 70571
TH 01:00pm - 04:00pm
, 0/6Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
TRA-3607AU-2111 (200) CDL-Automatic
3/12/2025 - 7/13/2025

This course is designed to teach students to drivetractor-trailers and trucks. The program willprepare the prospective driver to understandsafety, driver responsibility, and also the lawsand regulations governing the motor carrierindustry.
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
WTHF 08:00am - 12:00pm
WTHF 12:30pm - 05:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 06:00pm

Breon, ScottCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
TRA-3607ACC-2102 (320) Truck Driver Training- CDL A
3/19/2025 - 8/14/2025

This course is designed to teach students to drivetractor-trailers and trucks. The program willprepare the prospective driver to understandsafety, driver responsibility, and also the lawsand regulations governing the motor carrierindustry.
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
WTHF 08:00am - 12:00pm
WTHF 12:30pm - 05:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 06:00pm

Breon, ScottCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
TRA-3607P-2112 (38) Cdl-P Endorsement
3/26/2025 - 3/30/2025

This course is designed to teach students to drivetractor-trailers and trucks. The program willprepare the prospective driver to understandsafety, driver responsibility, and also the lawsand regulations governing the motor carrierindustry.
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
OC21 - 21201
WTHF 08:00am - 12:00pm
WTHF 12:30pm - 05:00pm
08:00am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 06:00pm
Breon, ScottCall 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
WLD-3106J-2802 (30) Advanced Welding
3/27/2025 - 6/5/2025

Students must have completed Basic Welding I or have permissionfrom Jeff Spear to enroll. For more information, contact Mr.Spear at 252-335-0821 ext. 2335 or [email protected] will advance more into SMAW (stick), GMAW (MIG), andFCAW (flux-core) with an introduction into GTAW (tig) welding.Students will participate in question-answer sessions andhands-on to gain basic knowledge in the setup and operation ofvarious power sources that operate these processes. Uponcompletion, students will have the basic knowledge of variousindustry standards. Personal items required for the Weldingprogram include a welding helmet (auto-darkening is a plus),safety glasses, earplugs, tip cleaners, welding jacket withleather sleeves, steel-toed leather boots (with high sides) andwelding gloves. Kits can be purchased through COA's book store.
3/27/2025CLASSDare - PAB103
TH 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Williams, John0/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
WLD-3106J-7001 (96) Basic Welding
5/19/2025 - 7/23/2025

This course provides instruction on theprinciples and practices of welding. Coursecontent will be specific to a particular weldingprocess such as SMAW (stick), GMAW (MIG). Uponcompletion, students willhave the knowledge basefor various industry specifi certifications.
5/19/2025CLASSElizabeth City - C138
MTW 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Forehand, Joel1/10Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register
WLD-3106J-2803 (30) Basic Welding
7/17/2025 - 9/25/2025

This course provides instruction on theprinciples and practices of welding. Coursecontent will be specific to a particular weldingprocess such as SMAW (stick), GMAW (MIG). Uponcompletion, students willhave the knowledge basefor various industry specifi certifications.
7/17/2025CLASSDare - PAB103
TH 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Williams, John0/12Call 335-0821, ext. 2250 to register